Data Governance guides personnel in better managing data. The guidance is ensured through policy and ownership of data in an organization. The emphasis is on formalizing the Data Management function along with the associated data ownership roles and responsibilities.

Data Platform Governance defines and governs how data platforms, databases and data warehouses can be better planned, and managed. Information Technology takes the responsibility of deploying platforms. Procedures for platform governance are developed by IT and are aligned to the Data Management Strategy. These procedures can be as simple as a selection of Tool stack.
Platform Data Governance During Planning
An enterprise might find a need to choose graph database for performing customer analytics putting apart the operational applications where a traditional relational database exists. Some questions that Platform Governance can ask:
Is the use-case specific for Operational or Analytical purposes?
Does the database provide data security capabilities like encryption?
Is there a third-party vendor support required for encryption?
What are other infrastructure components that are required above the standard architectural framework
Is there a feasibility of integrating a Data Quality Framework while data is pipelined?
Platform Governance During Development
An important aspect of Data Governance is to ensure that the data consumers are aware of the changes to either the data structures in sources of origin or the incremental data.
If a big data lake ingestion is being developed within an enterprise, its required to ensure that changes in source structures that happen every day, are replicated in the structures of a lake’s landing area. A further development feature can be making sure the consumers are alerted on these changes to structures or data itself.
Platform Governance During Platform Management
Data Management in platform can be more focused on managing the timeliness and completeness of the data ingested into a data warehouse or a big data lake. While Governance can be more focused on ensuring consistent outcomes from managing the platforms. Some questions platform governance can ask:
Is there a data loss while data is in-motion between providers and consumers?
How consistently is data completeness being ensured while data is piped into a data warehouse or data lake?